E33: Purposeful Sex Life

This episode! What do I say about this? If you are married, just listen to this. 

The sex life between an husband and wife can be the darkest place of despair or it can be life giving. Here are some show notes:

  • If a couple can communicate about their sex life, they can do just about anything together. 
  • Anything that threatens our ability to give ourself to our spouse sexually, is also threatening our ability to thrive in other areas of our life. 
  • Sexual intimacy seems like an extra-curricular activity. Take it or leave it. Actually, it is a crucible that exposes us. It reveals things in us that need to be exposed. 

Here is a link to the course mentioned in the episode about restoring intimacy in your marriage: https://www.mylifeplatform.com/restoring-intimacy

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